Saturday, November 15, 2014


There are seasons in my life where I need to be reminded of things that make me smile.  It's not like I'm particularly unhappy, it is just a season when some issue is at the forefront of my mind and thinking happy thoughts is a good distraction.  So, instead of discussing things that most blog readers wouldn't care to read about anyway (I'm sure none of you are particularly interested in the inner workings of female reproductive system or why mine seems to be broken), I thought I would list a few things that just make me smile.

1. Jim.  He's all that and a bag of gluten free, kosher, black bean tortilla chips.  That blue-eyed, black-haired gentleman of a man can hold my hand any time of day and it will make me smile.

2. My dogs.  Currently all laying at my feet.  David, with this goofy, tongue lolling out the side of his mouse smile and singing along with his favorite songs.  The little puppies, cuddling on my lap at every opportunity and going bug eyed when someone brings pizza into the house.

3. Quinoa.  Funny sounding food that makes you sound like a gourmet chef if you use it.
4. Playing clarinet really, really fast.  It's just awesome.  It was particularly awesome in college, when I reserved my best chromatic scale runs for when the professors were showing a new music student around the practice rooms.  I was showboating.  Not something I'm proud of, not something I do often.  But it was fun back then!
5. Tea in MY mug.  The biggest mug I've ever owned, and purchased by my best friend.
6. Obnoxiously bright running shoes.
7. Running in general.  I have gotten into a ridiculous and probably embarrassing habit of throwing my arms up and smiling as I turn in at my house.  I never regret a run.
8. Finding a cool food find.  I get a strange high from discovering Kefir cheese at the grocery store (locals, buy it, it's like sour cream but better) or ordering rolled outs in bulk.
9. Being mistaken for a high schooler.  It might be because of my chlorine allergy breaking my face out more than I would like, but I'm taking it as a compliment that at 27 people still think I'm late for class.
10. Good smells.  Seriously, give me something that smells like a peach and I will sniff and smile for hours.

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