Sunday, July 7, 2019

Grafted: An Adoption Story (The Horrifying Thing I Just Did) and GIVEAWAY

So I wrote a book.
It happened.
It's real.
My name is listed as author on a book selling at Amazon.

That's just nuts.

And horrifying.

In elementary school, I thought I might become a writer.  My favorite past time was daydreaming.  Creating stories, characters and worlds.  I liked writing stories.  I even won a couple of writing contests.  So, I thought maybe that was the way my life was headed.  At least, I knew it was heading more that direction than something math related.

Then I met the clarinet and writing became something I knew I could get a decent grade in and not much else.  Though I wrote stories for fun, it wasn't something I thought of as something I would ever do for other people.

I never thought I would write a personal story.  I never thought I would expose myself, my feelings, such detail of the best and worst moments of my life.  Yet here I am. 

Grafted: An Adoption Story was written at first so I could process everything that happened and have a record to share with our sons.  Then, when the page count passed 100, with a little poking from friends, a book it became. 

It shares in detail the joys, the complications and the heartbreak of our adoption stories.  It captures the moments when I have been at my happiest and the hardest times of my life.  It's highly personal and honest.  It doesn't gloss over the bad and it doesn't glorify the good.  It just is.  It's what happened.  It's the story of how our family was brought together through a grafting of sorts.

If you are interested in purchasing it, you can find it on amazon as a kindle or paperback purchase (paperback is printed per order, so is not two here in two days, but it looks like a 3-5 business day turnaround).

If you are interested in reading this very scary thing I did but don't want to invest the $7.99 it would take to get the kindle, I'm doing a kindle version giveaway!  Just comment on this blog post by Tuesday, July 9 at 8:30 PM and a random number drawing will give us the winner!  I will send the kindle version to your email address.  If you don't have a kindle, you can also read it on your phone. 
NOTE: Comment ON THIS BLOG POST.  Facebook or Instagram comments will not be included in the drawing!

Thank you for all of you who supported us through getting our boys and for those who supported the writing of this book.  Thank you for those who have already purchased it! 


  1. I would enjoy reading your work. I admire you for being a mother of two boys who happen to be adopted.

  2. Congrats on publishing! I want to read it! Put me in for the drawing please!

  3. Since there were only two, you both win! Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Thank you! I look forward to downloading it and am honored to be part of your journey.
