Sunday, March 20, 2016

Protective Silhouette

**The following is just a little ode to my sweet German Shepherd.**
Sitting at the door of the nursery, outlined by the glow of the dim light of a night light, is the silhouette of my dog.
He faces the hall, ears up, his head turned to the side so his long nose is visible.  He sits up tall, regal, alert.

This is the German Shepherd that earlier in the day jumped on my bed, tongue lolling out and yipping like a tiny puppy as he pranced around me to play.  This is the German Shepherd that howls when I play the piano, pounces on "shiney's" (reflections from phone screens, shadows, anything can move light on the wall).   This is the German Shepherd that can't help but lick his human brother's face every time he gets a chance.

But in this moment, he is guard and protector.  There is something different in his demeanor.  He isn't the playful puppy, the curious dog.  He sits at his post at the door, guarding the new precious family member and his mother, just a silhouette at the nursery door.    

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