Monday, December 19, 2016

10 Years

So many things have changed but one remains the same.

I was 19 years old.  I had just graduated from college with a degree I wasn't sure what I could do with.  I knew I liked music but didn't know if I was really any good or if it would ever serve a purpose in my life.  I was unsure what the future would hold, not knowing much about the adult world.  I had an optimistic outlook though, and assumed everything I thought life was supposed to be would fall into place-- we would get jobs, buy a house, have babies, the white picket fence in our front yard would never show it's age.
I didn't know a lot and I was unsure about the rest-- except for one thing.

We were married for two weeks and settling into our new normal.  We made pancakes because that's what we ate on our honeymoon that we thought was delicious.  I was going to job interviews and handing in resumes all over town hoping for a job before school started for him.  We stood at the stove, both staring at the chicken because it was the first time either of us had cooked chicken.  We walked through WalMart together, counting our dollars and pennies and sticking to a strict and mandatory budget.  We ate macaroni and cheese and ramen noodles and rushed home on Thursday nights to watch The Office.
Everything was new and we were learning everything together.  I still didn't know a lot-- except for one thing.

We moved to Nebraska.  To a town we knew nothing about and knew no one.  We put an offer on our first house.  We grew as people, finding new hobbies and interests, getting involved in what was important to us.  We learned that things don't always come easy.  We experienced death, loss and the loss of something that we never even had.  We fought to expand our family harder and longer than I thought we could.  We jumped through hoops and signed on every dotted line.  We held hands, we held our breath... and we held our son.
We learned some harder lessons and sometimes I was less sure than I had ever been-- except for one thing.

15 years ago I started dating a boy with the intention of marriage.  10 years ago, at 19, I walked down the aisle of a small church in South Dakota wearing a white dress, knowing that one thing.  I knew, for a fact, without a single doubt, that I was supposed to be Jim's wife.  I walked down that aisle with full confidence that I was doing God's will.

So here is to the one who has been in my life since I was 14.  Here is to the one who learned with me, grew with me, cried with me and put up with me.  Here is to my husband and the 10 years we've had with rings on our fingers.  Here's to a many more.

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

16 For '16

The year 2016 probably won't be remembered as the best year.  A lot of people have really, really struggled this year.  From a world level, a national level and personal level, there have been deaths, tragedies, and major negative events.

But as I reflected on 2016 from a personal level, I had a lot to be grateful for.  So, for my list loving friends, I am sharing a list of 16 things I'm grateful for in 2016.  This list is in no particular order.  Though I plan on a couple of more posts before the years end, I want to wish you all a Very MERRY Christmas and Happy New Year!

1. 1:03 AM January 8, a little boy entered the world and I was given permission by the woman who gave him life to be his mother.  Feeling his warm, 4 pound body on my chest under my shirt was the greatest moment of joy.

2. I met Miss Monica Mercer. After our little boy was born, we got to experience the humbling and amazing gift of someone allowing us to live in her home.  With a newborn.  After meeting us only once.  And not asking for a thing in return.  To meet someone as giving as that in a time of need is nothing short of a Godsend.

3.  My parents moved to Ogallala.  After living with us for a while and going back and forth to Nevada, they moved into their own, beautiful home across town and it has been a huge blessing to have them in nearby to watch our little boy grow.  Watching my dad with Josiah has been amazing.  I have never seen my dad interact with a baby quite like he does Josiah and it makes me so happy.  And my mom is a great, spoiling grandma and I am so, so grateful for her willingness to be grandma-daycare and to help me to raise our son in the best way possible. 

4.  One of my running partners quickly became one of my closest, go to "mom friends".  I'm grateful for Tanya and her love for me and my kiddo.  There have been a couple of times when she bailed me out when I don't think a lot of others would or could have.  I only wish I could return the favor.

5.  Josiah officially became a Parrish!  With all of the legalities out of the way, we took a deep breath and just enjoyed being a family.  There really isn't much of a better feeling than finally having everything in order on something so incredibly important.    

6. Two of my talented students represented Western Nebraska in the All State band performance.  Through a difficult audition process, they showed their talent to be selected into this select group of musicians.  I couldn't be more proud of my students and can't wait to see where music takes these girls. 

7. I got to watch Gilmore Girls with Danielle. It's been a few years since she's moved away, but my BFF still makes time for me-- even with her two kids and busy schedule.  I am so grateful that she was willing to meet me and binge watch a show and binge eat allthefood. 

8. I went back to work.  After a super long maternity leave (that I worked an hour or two a week through), I finally returned to the music store.  While leaving my little man to go to work can be hard sometimes, I love the store and the people I work with and for

9. I ran my most miles ever in one week when we got back with Josiah and never stopped.  It somehow just happened that I hit a 40 mile week after we returned with Josiah.  Every morning I woke up and ran as far as the time would allow because I didn't know how this running with a newborn thing was going to work out-- I assumed there would be mornings when I wouldn't get out the door.  I tend to hate to lower the bar after I've set it, so I have stuck to that mileage almost every week since.  Even though it means 4 AM wake up calls and running completely in the dark.

10. I discovered freezer meals.  I love to cook, but we're in a season where spending an hour in the kitchen prepping dinner just isn't a possibility for me every night.  So instead, I do one major grocery trip, come home and spend about 3 hours prepping the vegetables and putting the meals together.  I throw most of them in large ziploc bags then into the crockpot the morning of.  It has been great to have good meals at night without any prep during the day.

11. Jim and I celebrate 10 years of happy marriage.  This hasn't happened yet (December 23rd!) but we have a weekend getaway planned (our first night leaving our little boy with the grandparents!) to Colorado for a "mega date night" with an IMAX movie experience, a swanky dinner and a fancy hotel. 
I'm always and forever grateful for my husband, for meeting him when I did and for our journey so far together.  He is the better half of us.

12. Every single time Josiah falls asleep on my shoulder, nuzzles into me, prefers me over someone else (I know that's horrible, but that is such a great feeling!  The feeling of being mommy!), laughs at me or smiles because I enter a room.

13. The babies firsts.  You knew this was coming, a list full of Josiah, right?  Well, watching him take his first steps (!), his first time wearing shoes, his first pair of mittens... pretty much anytime we say "awwww!!" and rush for the camera.  These things make my heart soar.

14. Visiting Colorado.  We visited Colorado a couple of times this year.  Once we visited family while my parents took a train ride through the mountains and once we went to Boulder just for a weekend getaway.  We love the mountains and having a fun city to drive to that can be done in a day.

15. I got to play oboe and english horn in the pit orchestra for the high school in "My Fair Lady".  I had never played an english horn before, so it was a lot of fun to have a new instrument challenge.  It was also a lot of fun to watch the talented kids perform.  I love pit orchestra music with multiple instruments.  It's the perfect kind of challenge that I love to participate in.

16.Lastly, I am grateful for goals.  I have a few for the next year that I look forward to taking on.  I want to continue to strive to slow down my schedule so I can enjoy every second with my family, to limit my possessions so I can fully enjoy my home and to continue to improve my diet so I can have the maximum amount of (much needed!) energy.  I also hope to take on the handstand this year (it will happen!) and my best friend and I are considering an ultra marathon to celebrate both being 30.  And as those who read this blog know, I'm also hoping to have the added joy and challenge of a second child in our home.