Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Perfect Day

I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  I spent much of my childhood outside, exploring the woods beyond my house, hiking Harney Peak with my dad every summer (at least once), "back roading" and hiking Mt Roosevelt with my then-boyfriend-now-husband.  I loved the forest, but didn't realize how much until I became a prairie occupant.
The prairie has it's own beauty-- open spaces, wide rivers, tall grass, meticulously organized fields, the sand in the dirt creating interesting formations in the low rolling hills.
But I'm a woods girl at heart.  I love the clicks and gurgles of the small creeks that run through the nooks and crannies of the hills, the wind whistling through the tree tops, the crunch the needles and cones of the pines made beneath my feet.  The smell of hot sap in the summer and clear, spruce scented winters. I love not knowing what is around the corner until I get there on a small tunneled path surrounded by trees.

Which is why Jim and I promised each other that we would make trips to the forest often, be it the Hills of South Dakota or the mountains of Colorado.  This year, with the exception of my sister-in-laws wedding, I wasn't able to spend any time in the woods.  Jim's vacation days went to cycling adventures so I stayed home.

My husband recognized a problem and sent out to fix it.  He knew that circumstances around our future adoption plans and life in general had me feeling impatient, rejected, lonely and stressed, he did what he knew would heal my heart.  Friday night, as I was falling asleep, we talked about where the nearest forest would be and how we could get there.  Saturday morning, after a 10 mile run for me and Men's Bible Study for him, we were off to Halsey, NE.  Jim took me to the woods!

The minute we pulled in at the recreation area, I rolled down my window and breathed in the smell of home that every forest has (plus smoke from Oregon, which oddly reminded me of home as well, since we experienced a fire in the Hills a few years ago).  We went to Scott Lookout Tower  first, where David was brave enough to climb to the top.  Jim and I took turns climbing the stairs, as the little dogs were too afraid of heights to join us.

We then started down the trail that would lead to the ranger station 3 miles away.  We went a ways down the trail before it became obvious that it had too many sand burs for the dogs to enjoy the trip and we turned around.

We then found a sand and gravel road that veered off into the trees and decided to follow it for a while.  It reminded me of our dating days, always wanting to know what was over the next hill, if there would be a prettier valley or something exciting.

We walked around the picnic area, crossing the river at the entrance of the forest on a beautiful bridge.

After spending a while in the small but beautiful forest, my spirit being slowly restored, we headed towards home.  The road between Stapleton and Thedford is fascinating, as it runs along the old highway, which is now just abandoned and overgrown, areas of it crumbling from lack of care.  It was beautiful and sad.  We pulled over and walked about a two mile stretch of the forgotten road, taking tons of pictures while we were there.

 When we got back to North Platte, we stopped at Cold Stone and Qdoba before coming home to watch a movie.

It wasn't a full vacation and we spent more time driving than we did outside of the car, but it was a wonderful day. 
I remembered how much I love the woods.  I got to do some of my favorite things in exploring new territory, hiking and climbing towers (I don't know why I love climbing up towers, I just do).  
Most importantly, however, I was reminded that neither the woods or the prairie are my home. That God provided a temporary home for me on this earth--Jim is that home.  Until the day He gives us children, Jim is my family.  I was reminded that I was so important to my husband that he would drive 5 hours on a Saturday just so I could spend a little while with some trees.  I was reminded that a simple day with my little family of my guy and three dogs can be the perfect day.  I was reminded again just how fortunate I am to be married to one of the greatest guys in the world. 

Thanks for the great day, sweet heart. 

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