Saturday, November 25, 2017


Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!
I have much to be thankful for. 
I sometimes don't act like it.  This year in particular I have struggled with focusing on gratitude, which is silly when I look at the beautiful things that have happened in my life. 
This blog is late because I have had great few days spent with my husband son and parents, doing some of my favorite jobs at the music store (window display!) and doing the things I love.
So, here is my Thanksgiving list.  Because I love lists.  I could list much more, but 10 is such a good list number... which doesn't make me sound OCD at all, right?

1. Jim.  Without him, I wouldn't know who I am. Love my husband with all my heart.  He's a top notch fella'.

2. Josiah. My almost two year old, curly haired boy.  He says please, thank you (tank too), sings his ABC's (kind of) and knows more words every day.  He surprises me, thrills me and brings me joy.  I love this little boy more than life itself.

3. Josiah's mother.  Without her, my current life wouldn't be possible.  I wouldn't have a boy who has her beautiful brown eyes, or who looks like her when he is thinking about something.  I wouldn't have this beautiful son of mine.  I'm grateful not only for her decision or the boy she gave me, but her spirit.  A spirit of giving and self-sacrifice.  

4. My closest friends.  Danielle, who ran crazy distances with me this year and supported me through a couple of difficult times... especially during running those crazy distances.  Tanya, who was there for me in ways no one else was the past few years and who loved my son and I more than most anyone.

5. All of the people who have done little things to support our adoption process.  Sharing profiles, liking Facebook posts.  These things might be what results in Josiah's sibling.

6. My parents.  It's been awesome to watch my dad fall in love with his grandson.  That they are here in town and willing to be grandparent day care two days a week has been amazing.  I am grateful for our Friday night Ninja Warrior viewing parties with them, too.

7. Continued jobs, home and food.  The fact that we have never worried about our next meal or a place to sleep.  Grateful that we can provide a life for ourselves and our son and to give, as well.

8. My three puppies.  One poor little guy went blind this year, but his demeanor has only improved since it happened (of course, that might be because he gets more attention and pets than ever before!).  These furry friends continue to warm my heart and my feet.  They are sweet and keep me in check when I start to get frustrated (our German Shepherd is like a trained emotion dog-- he comes directly to me and starts pushing on me if he hears me get frustrated.  Unfortunately, it usually causes more frustration!).

9. Running.  Going about two weeks without consistent running after my 50K I realized that I need it more than I ever realized.  I am grateful to be able to run most every day.  Even if I'm sore or slow or cold, it makes me better.

10. All the little things that make life better- Chai tea lattes and the lady at the coffee shop that knows my order before I say it.  An awesome local movie theater and good places to eat for date nights.  A high school band worth cheering for.  Successful grocery shopping trips.  Chocolate lavender cake.  Soft french terry pajama pants.  Music and headphones.  Getting house projects done.  Free evenings at home with my boys.  Toy trucks and Llama Llama books.

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