Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Post About Nothing And Everything

I have absolutely nothing to say.

I sometimes feel like I should be posting on here more frequently.  I know there are a few people who are interested in knowing updates on the little boy we brought home. 

And yet I don't know what to share and what not to.

When we were in the depths of desiring a family, I stopped reading many blogs I had once loved because, like my entire facebook contact list, they all seemed to get pregnant around the same time.  I was disappointed that blogs about vegan food or running or music were suddenly just about babies.  I don't know how much I should talk about Josiah here.  He is definitely the center of my world, but he isn't the center of the world for everyone else, and I should respect that.  I also want to respect that he has no control over his online life yet and I don't want there to be the kind of mom who gives him an online presence too... present.  And while I have a few more thoughts on adoption and parenting that I will probably share, I don't know how much I should focus on it here. 

But without talking about my son, there isn't a lot left in this season of life.  While I have still maintained a lot of my individuality (something I worried about when becoming a mother, that I would suddenly turn into "Josiah's mom" and no longer be Kristin, a human with things going on), most of my time is, out of necessity, spent with him.  All of my waking hours and all of my want-to-be-sleeping hours are with him, with the exception of running and working out in the morning, which hardly counts because it's while he is sleeping. And on those mornings when I can't convince myself that running at 4 AM is a good idea, he is in his vibrating chair, napping next the treadmill when I run later in the day.  Otherwise, he joins me or my other hobbies and interests.  Currently, my interests are still nutrition and fitness, but I'm really interested in eco friendly and people friendly clothing and am slowly replacing old clothes with bamboo and other alternatives and also researching how to cut down my grocery bill (something I've gotten really bad about.  Not knowing how much formula he would go through, I go to the grocery store often and tend to buy more than just his formula.).  He gets to hear articles about these things when I read them out loud, he joins me at the grocery store and he listens to me practice my instruments, etc.

While I'm still debating what my role is in his online presence, I thought I would give a small update without interfering too much in his future.

So with that, Josiah is doing well.  He is growing, his hair is his most commented on feature, followed closely by his dimpled chin.  He does what babies do and has been healthy so far.  He has started to genuinely smile at me without any provocation, which makes my heart soar.  He is stinking cute and a pretty good baby as far as I can tell.  He loves stroller walks, cuddling and a gray hippo toy.  He looks awesome in a bow tie.  He loves to sit in my lap and watch my fingers as I play piano, particularly if I sing along. 

 So as you can see, this post was pretty much about nothing.  But, it is also about everything going on in my life and my little everything that defines my new life. 

More substance to come in the near future, I promise.

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