Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Love Letter To My Small Group

On Sunday evenings, Jim and I meet with our church "small group".  We have attended small groups for years at our church as a way to connect with other members of our church, get to know them on a deeper level and to learn more about the God we serve. 
Last fall, when small groups started again for the year, we were placed in a new small group (as is the norm, they try to rotate everyone) comprised mostly of young people in our church.  I am on the brink of no longer being considered a young person, so at first I was wondering where we would fit in this group. 
We were also going through our adoption journey.  Our small group prayed weekly that we would be chosen and the group even allowed us to video everyone for our "adoption profile video".   They were there from when we became active with our agency and beyond.
Statistically, 90 some percent of couples who try to conceive do so in the first two years.  We had passed that long ago.  Statistically, couples who used our agency were placed within the first year and we were passed that.  During the time that we were in the negative on all statistics and wondering if we would ever be parents, our small group stood by us, praying consistently every week, offering us support, building relationships with us even when I probably wasn't much fun to be around.

So this is just a short letter to the members of the small group we have been a member of for the past season.

Dear all,

You may not realize how much of an impact you made during a difficult time in our life.  Your prayers meant so much and your relationships during this time meant even more.  When we were able to announce our placement to become Josiah's parents, we couldn't wait to tell you.  And your joy when we told you was precious to us. 
You may not know how important your presence was as we went through the hardest parts of our adoption journey and how awesome it was to have you there for the good parts.  We have gained lasting relationships with some of the most exceptional people in this small group. 
We appreciate each of you.  Your encouragement, your unique perspectives, your presence.  And of course, we appreciate all the food you shared Sunday night, too ;).


The three of us Parrish people

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