Monday, April 18, 2016

Another Friend In The Spotlight

There are seasons and activities that bring people into your life that make a lasting impact.  I have mentioned many times before how running brought my best friend into my life, but I haven't really mentioned the other people who have become important key players all because we agreed, often hesitantly, to run with each other.
While training a couple of years ago I asked on the local running facebook page if anyone wanted to be my long run partner.  A woman named Tanya came to the music store to offer to run with me, warning me that she was "slow" and starting off her offer with "This might be crazy of me, but...".  At that point, I knew her as the wife of a talented guitarist who would escape to the music store for "sanity" every now and again and give me free concerts.  So I liked her already-- I mean, I love free concerts.
As it goes, we got to know each other well during our time hitting the pavement.  Unlike Danielle, we weren't in the exact same life stage (waiting for kids), but we found plenty of common ground to carry on hours of conversation to distract our brains from what our legs were doing.  We discussed her high school aged kids, my desire to be a mom, her "business" for lack of a better word where she catches, neuters and releases or finds homes for stray cats, and my love of my three dogs.
During these conversation I determined Tanya to be a dedicated mother, involved in her kids lives.  I found her to be insightful, funny, and though I'm not sure how she truly feels, she is one of the few women who I feel is completely comfortable in being herself.  She is unapologetic about her strengths and can laugh at her weaknesses. She isn't interested in being a socialite, which makes a connection with her real.  She is great at math (something we do NOT have in common), faster than she thinks and the kind of woman I look up to.
She is also so kindhearted and has such a love for animals that it puts my claims of the same affection to shame.  During one run, I noticed every few feet Tanya would drop, grab something from the ground and toss it into the grass.  It was the day after a rainstorm and she was putting the worms back in the grass so they wouldn't bake in the sun on the concrete.

When Josiah came home I entered a new season of life, getting into a new, baby centric routine.  Many people offered congratulations and a few offered help.  Tanya offered specific suggestions, like grocery shopping or walking the dogs for me, but I ended up asking her if she would just come over and visit.  She held the baby while we caught up on all of the events that led up to our return home.   She later watched him for me for a haircut appointment and through a movie, without asking for anything in return... she simply just held and talked to my "little peanut" as she has called him.

Maybe others haven't experienced this, but I can tell the difference between those who are simply "baby people" who think my baby is cute, those who are caring and "kid oriented" who really have an interest in my son, and those who are going to care about my son for the rest of his life.  I could feel immediately that Tanya really cares about me and cares about Josiah.  And to have someone of that strong of character and kindness and goodness of heart care about you is pretty awesome.

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